Dietetic Professional

My goal is to help you reach your goal, through a healthy and nutritious diet.


Food Service

Projects and presentations completed during my dietetic internship food service rotation at Advent Health Waterman. Projects include: a performance improvement project, a mock 7-day hospital menu, an equipment specification report, and a plate waste study.



This page showcases clinical projects during my dietetic internship. Most of my clinical work was done at Advent Health Waterman, and one week was spent at a diabetes education center in Tampa, FL. Projects in this section include: a detailed patient case study, a research presentation, a transition feeding plan, a performance improvement project, and sample menus for various patient populations.


Community & Wellness

I had to opportunity to do several projects in the community setting, including 2 weeks at a WIC clinic, 1 week with a sports dietitian, 1 week with Hebni Nutrition Consultants in Orlando, FL, and collaborating with local community clinics to provide educational handouts on different nutrition topics. Projects include: educational handouts, cooking videos, a public policy letter, blog posts, and a presentation on a mock community project.